Angelus's Journal

Angelus's Journal


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4 entries this month

before making any sort of decisions…

22:53 Oct 22 2014
Times Read: 535

As it happens, Dad had been right, the wind had got up, with Gonzalo moving in. Then as I walked I had blue skies and rain, then grey skies and wind and hail. Sheesh, the weather had been blowy and, as I cooked tea I’d been looking forward to the train and travelling to Karl’s. Thankfully, the kind fellow had given me a lift home, where I’d written awhile before an early night, knowing full well that I’d got my second interview with the disability employment advisor, which as it happens had last over an hour and, just like the first time, had got pretty intense.

I have a real difficulty admitting that I need help, even when my doctor tells me that she’ll provide it and, the advisor seemed helpful, listening as needed. Though all that said, I do want to talk to my doctor again, before making any sort of decisions…




“So, be sure to close your window”… he says.

22:24 Oct 22 2014
Times Read: 536

And, the weather has been strange of late, rain on a sunny day, travelling to Wales to watch the match at Talacre with Barry. Then as we watched the match, the picture froze at two all. Needless to say, in those last few minutes we missed, as the picture has frozen, we had missed what happened next. We had gone for a walk though, down to the beach, so I could stretch my spine, {with a view}. It had been on the drive back that we had found what had happened next, when we had heard the news and the final score 3-2 t Liverpool. And, the weather had stayed pleasant for the rest of the drive.

I’ve been playing with a slug of a seven machine, to see if it’ll record as I want. Well, it had been running Converter X 5, while I understand version 4, so I’d played playaround, till I got what I wanted and, I’d been able to record the first half of the first series of ‘Game Of Thrones’, for Barry elder sister. It’d been a real learning curve, but very interesting. The end result being that I have a stand-by machine able to record, so I don’t over use the burner on the Dell, that Karl got together for me…

Now I as write, I’ve had my flu injection and am ‘looking forward’ to my next interview with the disability employment lady, later this week. And, I have my Father reminding me that the weathers getting worse this week, “So, be sure to close your window”… he says.




‘Bad Judge’, had amused somewhat.

23:04 Oct 11 2014
Times Read: 545

It’s still weirdness incarnate, not doing voluntary work on Thursday. It’s not been as though I have little to do, as I have all I need to do, for me. Yet, the deficiencies in my body are frustrating me, somedays. Other day’s, are different… Either way, I’m definitely fortunate to have a doctor like mine, who provides me with the support and understanding I Need, particularly when the dole are being awkward again and, my head seems somewhere else, a lot of the time.

And, I have got my last ‘True Blood’ dvd in the post to Mississippi, thus ending a project I started years ago for a someone I like. Next, I have at least four or five other projects complete, for my edification and ideally, to help a few others on the way.

On the Wednesday Alex phoned and we’d arranged a meeting at the Mere for Thursday afternoon. When I’d met him on the way there, I felt like I’d been set up. Alex had been in a car that wasn’t his and, with a young lady who knows the sorts of things I do and was scarily hyper. He also talked of his birthday and invited me there, with his ‘other friends’, which might have been alright, except that I’d felt set-up.


It seems that I slept through a mini-tornado in Bromborough during the night, while somewhere in Dorset they had encountered the real thing, in England!

{“And, this one’s for all those who don’t believe in Global warming – a twister, on the greenbelt!”}

I have got see the Disney film ‘Frozen’, which I’d reckoned to be one of the best like it I’ve seen --- it’ll be interesting to see how they use the female lead in ‘Once Upon A Time’, as Karl assures me they’re going to do so. {I would not know yet, I want at least three episodes, before I’ll start watching it. Though, I did make an exception with ‘The Flash’, which was mentioned in the recent episode of ‘The Arrow’ I saw on Friday night. But, I’m getting ahead of myself.} And, I also got to see ‘Lucy’, which I’d thought had been one of the best movies I’ve ever seen; whilst being enthralled by another film, ‘The Scribbler’, a weird sorta cross between ‘Altered State and, ‘The Matrix’, making it well worth seeing.


On Friday after I went shopping with Dad as usual, then did some gardening, prior to washing my hands well, as I intended to prepare the evening meal, as I’d already had plans, to walk to pick up my meds and, cook the meal. On the way through the lounge I’d checked out the spider on the front of the window that Dad and I have been watching for days. We have both been fascinated by it, watching it feed, on flies much bigger than itself and, on a sunny or frosty day, it’s quite something to watch the webbing. Yet I digress, Barry called and, we chatted as he looked at cars on the internet, yet felt uncomfortable doing so, even though I’d given him the say-so to do so, many times… Well, come the evening I tried to rest through the cramp in my right buttock and associate pain in my right hip, yet I had arisen with it feeling much the same, much to my annoyance… And, it hadn’t been until stupid o’clock in the morning that ‘my annoyance’ ceased to bother me quite so much… keeping me somewhat wired for hours, thankfully I had writing to do and NCIS: New Orleans to watch, as well as an episode of ‘Bad Judge’, which had amused somewhat.




left feeling quite shattered…

00:55 Oct 07 2014
Times Read: 547

I spent Wednesday morning getting ready for my interview with the disability support advisor lady, only to learn I was going to be travelling late, as I’d written the appointment time down wrong on the calendar, which I’d only learned as I got my act together, with minutes to go before I left the house. Needless to say, I looked to the address on the compliment slip and dialled the phone-number, irrespective of the prefix, as I’d been so irked to be running late. Well, I got one of those computers that offers you a choice as to what to say, as long as you say the correct tag and it can respond to what you say. As it was, this one had problems with me and, when I got through to him I had a problem with him, he was a numpty. All that fellow had wanted was to delay me further it had seemed and, I’d told him so. Anyway, even though I was discouraged from doing so, I went to my interview and had the interviewer apologise to me for me having t wait, which I had. That’d been weird.

The reason she had apologised had become apparent. The ladies only there a few days a week and, is very thorough. Considering it had been billed as an ‘intermediate interview’, it had been quite in -depth and as objective as one person can be, who woks within a system. By the time I had left, an interview that should have lasted an hour had last two hours and ten minutes. Well, when I’d left the place, I’d been left feeling quite shattered…



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